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With over 700,000 active listings, Realtyspace has the largest inventory of
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apartments in the United States.
Land Area 11,988 sq.ft
Built Up 5,899 sq.ft
Power Supply 200 ampere
Built Up 5,899 sq.ft
Power Supply 200 ampere
Land Area Appx. 12,000 sq.ft.
Built Up Appx. 6,611 sq.ft
Power Supply 200 Ampere
Built Up Appx. 6,611 sq.ft
Power Supply 200 Ampere
Land Area 2.25 Acres
Built Up Appx. 69,322.30 sq ft
Power Supply MSB 1,000 Ampere (setting at 600 Ampere)
Built Up Appx. 69,322.30 sq ft
Power Supply MSB 1,000 Ampere (setting at 600 Ampere)
Land Area Appx. 1.33 Acres
Built Up Appx. 76,890 sq ft
Power Supply 2500 Ampere (H.T.)
Built Up Appx. 76,890 sq ft
Power Supply 2500 Ampere (H.T.)
Built Up Appx. 1,937 sq.ft. (Upper Floor)
Land Area Appx. 1.54 Acres
Built Up Appx. 197,600 sq.ft.
Power Supply 5000 Ampere H.T.
Built Up Appx. 197,600 sq.ft.
Power Supply 5000 Ampere H.T.
385 k
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